What You Need to Know Regarding Horse Camping at DNR Facilities

The Equine Advisory Group (EAG) asked MTRA to participate in a virtual presentation meeting on October 30, 2023, regarding equestrian campgrounds in Minnesota State Parks. MTRA was not provided the proposal prior to the meeting for review and needed to ask for this proposal after the meeting.

The issue: Inconsistent information regarding the requirement to have a horse while camping in an equestrian campground in a state park has led to user conflict and complaints by equestrian and non-equestrian campers. The same is true for state forest campgrounds. We were told that there is no rule of law requiring a person who occupies an equestrian campsite to have a horse. That information on the DNR website states that 13 state parks offer campgrounds specifically designed to accommodate horses and horse trails and that you must be accompanied by a horse to use these sites. They are not available to non-equestrians. This statement is not supported by law or rule. Also not supported is the reservation system saying you need a horse to reserve an equestrian campsite. Some managers enforce needing a horse to camp in equestrian sites, some do not.

Participants were:

Paul Kurvers, Parks & Trails District Supervisor
Wade Miller, Parks & Trails State Trail & Snowmobile Program Consultant
Jamie Mcbride (5 years with DNR; 16 years Minneapolis Parks) Program Consultant for state park, forest and recreational areas.

See the February – March 2024 newsletter for DNR solution and more details.

What can you do?

The DNR will do nothing for the 2024 camping season to help the equestrian camper. Therefore, here are the e-mails of three people that you can send examples or complaints to for the 2024 season. Please include Terry Leary so the EAG knows what difficulties you encounter at equestrian camps.

*** Add contact form sent to EAG & MTRA; Terry Leary: tleary6911@aol.com, DNR wade.miller@state.mn.us, laura.preus@state.mn.us, jamie.mcbride@state.mn.us